Thursday, April 19, 2007

Father Day After Australia

amsterdam sex gamesworkshop Toby undidthe string holdinghis Bermuda shortsup and letthem drop tothe floor. Zakiagasped and puther hand overher mouth ashe stood ina pair ofskin tight swimmingtrunks that clearlyshowed his hardcock trapped insidethe thick darkpubic hair ofhis groin roseabove the waistband of thetiny trunks, likea finger pointingto his bellybutton.

"Really?" askedMadeline. "Anybody?"

** * **

Jerry lookedat me forconfirmation and Inodded, he wenton, "I can'tjustify my actions,but you twocertainly got yourpoint across. Iguess I've beenso self centeredthat I failedto consider howI might behurting both ofyou. I humblybeg your forgiveness,both of you,and promise ona stack ofbibles, that I'llnever, ever doanything like thatagain. It tooksome severe actionon your part,and some severepain and humiliationon my part,but I finallyunderstand that I'vegot to growup and behavelike a responsibleadult, and Iwill."

This nightthere were nopauses. The thrustingcontinued, hard, fast,bringing pain andecstasy. All nightlong. Release againcame with thedawn. She moanedin protest. Thedarkness now ownedher body. Shewanted more ofthe exquisite painand pleasure. Sleepclaimed her.

Ashe sat ponderinganother year withoutThe Cup, heheard dishes clinkingas they werebeing put intothe sink. Risingto his feet,he strode tothe kitchen doorway,and leaned againstthe frame. Shehad not heardhim come tothe doorway. Hewatched her, puttingthe dishes, inthe sink slowly,almost gracefully. Hehad always likedthe way shemoved. Although shehad no trainingin ballet, hehad thought thatshe would havebeen good atit. She hada naturally athleticbuild, it hadgrown thicker andbearing three children,over the years,was still ableto turn headswhere ever shewent. Her breastshad not sufferedthrough the yearsof breast feeding,in all honestythey had becomemore full. Allin all, hefelt, he wasthe luckiest manalive to havea wife thathe truly loved,and was lovingmore and moreas each yearpassed.

I waskissing Peter backand rubbing thefront of hispants, when Bethsuggested we takethis act upto the bedroom.I followed Bethup the stairswith Peter walkingup behind me,playing with myass along theway. The kingsize bed wasexactly what thedoctor had ordered.Beth led theway by removingher clothes andboth Peter andI followed suit.Beth watched meintently as Iundressed. This wasthe first timeI ever undressedwhere I knewa woman wasawaiting to seethe goods. Ilifted my shirtover my head,standing there ina bra andjeans. Beth helpedin unfastening theback of thebra, which Islid forward. Bethsmiled and awedat the sightof my nakedbreasts.

"White?Why on Earthis my oldersister wearing whitepanties today? Imuch preferred thepink ones youwore last Friday!"Ami giggled asshe said this.Sayu's eyes dartedwildly about asshe felt herskirt begin toflake away.

Ourclothes came offquickly, and Ihad the immensepleasure of followingmy wife tothe bedroom. Letme just pointout here thatmy wife hasa fantastic ass.Well, the wholepackage is fantastic,but I'm focusingon her asshere. It's theperfect shape. Firm,but with enoughjiggle to driveme wild whenshe moves it.Not large, butfull enough tohave wonderful curves.Pale, smooth skin,so that thecrack of herass stands outin even dimlight, looking warmlyinviting, sexy. Somy wife ledthe way tothe bedroom. Closelyfollowed by herunbelievably hot ass.Followed by mygrowing erection. Followed,of course, byme.

With thatI shot myload. As Idid she letout a loudmoan and startedshaking, I knewshe was goingto climax soI thrust mycock deep inher pussy asshe started tocum. I feltspasm after spasmfrom her pussyas she letgo. She thencollapsed onto mychest trying tocatch her breath.She then gaveme a deepkiss and said,

He had spentthe time inanxious speculation, tryingto figure outwhat she wasup to. Hisimagination ran wild.

With drinksin hand, Traciand Judy walkedover to whereLinda and Tomstood. Introductions weremade and thefour decided tosit outside bythe pool andhot tub.

"Yeah,we could dothat," Kevin saidaloud.

"Poorlittle thing, youmust be thirsty?"She scooted forwardand squatted overhis face, hersweaty red bushtickling his face.She wiggled herhips over hisface to playher pussy overhis lips. Shesmelled strong andof stale urine,he thought. Gemmashifted up andheld his handsdown, understanding whather friend hadin mind. Shewouldn't want tomiss this forthe world. Withhis arms pinneddown, Amber movedher feet tothe sides ofhis head sothat he couldn'tmove it. Shesmiled down athim as herbladder contracted anda couple ofdribbles of deepyellow urine hithis face. Heclosed his eyesand screamed forhelp. Amber tookadvantage of thesituation and directedher salty streamof piss intohis mouth. Hespluttered at thesalty vile tastingpiss, but sheclamped his noseforcing him toswallow her piss.They started tolaugh when hewas drinking herpiss. "Ohh, soyou like mypee pee doyou?" Amber giggledas she continuedto dribble intohis mouth. "Swallowsome more then"she clamped hisnose again andhe had todrink it downagain. Now herpiss was flowingout of herand splashing hisentire face. Sheguided her streamall over hisface and soakedhim down.


"Are youbusy later?" Hejust glared atme. Maybe I'dmade a mistake."That's okay. Nevermind."

"Jason, canI ask youa question?... It'skind of apersonal question."

Paulaasked Carol tostand up, whichshe did. Paulaunfastened Carol's blouse.Paula took theblouse off Carol.She quickly unhookedCarol's bra andthrew the garmentto the floor.Carol's breasts wereevery bit aslarge as Paula'swere. Carol hadmilky white skinand her largenipples were prominentand almost redin colour againstthe whiteness ofher skin. Paulastripped Carol belowthe waist exceptfor her whiteknickers.

Shelooked up atme with fearand hatred. "Fuckyou! You psycho!"


"You don'tthink it's perverse?"Katherine asked nervously,waking Rita fromher daydream.

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